Customer Journey: How To Guide Your Leads To Purchase


Any B2B marketer will tell you that the key to a successful lead generation strategy is having insight of your buyer’s journey. 

Each segment of that journey always presents an opportunity. It is your job as a marketer how to capture that opportunity and turn it into revenue. 

But you can only do that if you truly know where your customer is in their decision making process.

You can do that by mapping their journey so you can create experiences that make them buy what you offer.

How and When to Talk to Your Prospects

The buyer’s journey varies from business to business. But it generally consists of the following stages:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Decision


This is the initial part of the journey – when the buyer becomes aware of your brand. Or when they realized they need something and your product/service might be the solution. 

This stage is like the first date – you’ve just met each other. 

Maybe you’ve been introduced by a common friend. Or maybe you met on a “dating platform.”

Just like any first date, you’re there to impress him or her, so you can score a second date. 

At this point, you don’t hard sell your product or service. In fact, you haven’t thrown a sales pitch yet. Instead, you let them know you more. You set yourself up as a resource – can you solve a pain point or problem they have?

Strategies to adopt:

  • Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry
  • Improve the SEO of your website and your content
  • Strengthen your social media presence
  • Employ a pay-per-click marketing strategy to promote your content

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At this point, the buyer has decided to go on a second date with you. They know what they are looking for. They have also seen that what you are offering can potentially solve their problem. But they are still undecided – they are still looking for other options. 

The good news is… you are part of the shortlisted candidates.

Some of the things they will be looking for are:

  • Your reputation – are you legitimate; what do others say about you
  • The cost – how do you 
  • The specs of your product. If you are offering a service, they will be looking for the scope of your services.
  • The support – what if something goes wrong during and after the purchase?

You’ve already captured the attention of your buyer. You don’t want them even just to glance at the competition. What you can do at this point is to hold their attention through different types of content like:

  • Videos, eBooks, infographics, white papers, and case studies which further establishes you as a thought leader.
  • Blog posts that give your prospects an insider sneak peek. It will further pique their interest, leading them to make a purchase.
  • Create an email campaign strategy that will keep your prospects and customers on the loop.

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At this point, the buyer has further narrowed down his choices. It is also clear whether the companies on his shortlist will solve the pain points of his business or fill a need in his business process. 

If you want to increase the likelihood of converting your target, we suggest that you employ the following B2B strategies:

  • Have a contact form that will put your prospect closer to doing business with you. It could either be a “Contact Us” or “Request a Quote” form. 

Your CTA should be simple, easy, and obvious. Don’t get a lot of info – an email will suffice or you will scare them. Make sure that it catches their attention immediately. Don’t let them play the guessing game or they will leave immediately.

  • Some people don’t like to fill out forms. So… give them an option where they can call you. Make your phone number visible all over your website. And when they call, there should be a real person who will answer them.
  • Placing a live chat on your website also increases higher customer engagement. That also increases their likelihood to convert and buy your product.

Closing the Deal

After successfully guiding your prospect through the process, step back and evaluate your efforts. Use it to further improve your lead gen strategy. Which part needs more fine tuning? Which part needs to be eliminated? 

If you want to find out more about each phase of the buyer journey, give us a call. We are happy to assist you in creating an effective lead gen campaign.