7 Ideas To Generate Warm B2B Software Leads

The warmer the leads the better.

They’re more efficient to work with because marketers don’t have to spend time trying to qualify leads and getting them ready for sales.

Here are some ideas that any lead generation expert can use to generate warm B2B software leads.

Provide Value

Nothing screams “we’re the best in the industry” more quietly than providing value.

Prospects love value.

Providing value tells prospects that a company is willing to help them out even before they sign in. It’s a good way of over delivering to the potential client before even getting on the first meeting with them.

There a few ways to provide value:

  • Publish educational content on your company blog
  • Create instructional videos
  • Publish refurbished blog content onto Facebook and LinkedIn
  • Put out case studies
  • Give out tools

However, do note that this is a passive method, so whatever value-added content is released also has to be promoted.


Continuing from the previous section on providing content, also look into gatekeeping content.

Gatekeeping content basically means that you put up a barrier, such as a landing page, that collects emails and/or other details before the prospect is taken to the piece of content that they are interested in.

If the lead provides their information, you can immediately qualify them as warmer than other leads because they are highly interested in what you have to offer.

Offer a Free Trial

One of the most effective ways of generating warm leads is still the free trial approach and this is especially true for B2B software.

Marketers have to offer the full version of their software for a long period of time, and it would help if there weren’t any commitments attached to the demo.

This ensures that the user gets to experience the software with its full features.

On the plus side, it’s also a sign that a vendor is confident about what it has to offer.

The payment here is getting the details of the lead that’s decided to try out the software in the first place.

Webinars Still Work

A free webinar is a great way to generate warm B2B software leads because it’s easy to deploy and marketers get to have a real interaction with their prospects.

They also help with B2B sales because most tech buyers usually try their best to get educated before looking for possible candidates for their needs. If the vendor is the first one to educate them or help them by providing value through a webinar, it gives them leverage in nurturing the lead.

Webinars are also a good lead magnet because they require the collection of a couple of details about the prospect. These details can then be run through prospecting tools to get more detailed information about a prospect and thrown into a targeting campaign.

Using Facebook Retargeting

Facebook retargeting shouldn’t just be used to Pixel people coming in from your website.

Lead generation experts can take their email lists and use Facebook Ads to nurture leads, build brand awareness and recognition before the initial touchpoint, and engage in content awareness campaigns.

Facebook is a medium of choice because it has the widest reach compared to all of the social media channels out there. Plus, its business suite and ads manager are great for monitoring campaigns.

LinkedIn Works

Almost every professional out there is on LinkedIn, and this also includes your leads.

The active way to generate leads on LinkedIn is through outreach and outbound networking. You can use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator for active prospecting and then reach out to prospects and nurture them through mail.

The alternative way of lead generation is through thought leadership and bringing in passive leads via content and an optimized LinkedIn profile.

Related: A Hands-on Guide to B2B Social Selling on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter