The social media is driving the netizens crazy. When issues come up like birth and death of celebrities, arguments among presidentiables, terrorism attack in airports or even just those daily controversies among ordinary people, make everyone else flock to the internet and actively join the thread of discussions. These social platforms seem to possess a sublime force that draws the netizens to get interested, react, and participate.
“Like the social media, your consulting business can cause a craze among your target customers.”
But don’t get too excited yet…
ACMA’s DNC listing provides protection to people and businesses in Australia from getting bombarded with telemarketing calls and unsolicited emails. When businesses and individuals enlist their phone numbers with ACMA, marketing services providers may not be able to freely connect with them whether through phone or email, otherwise these telemarketing providers will be breaching the DNC law and get blacklisted by the Australian government.
So, what’s the best next thing to do?
Run a lead generation campaign that will drive customers crazy over you consulting business. Here’s the flow:
Customer Profiling

Classify your best target customers into groups and customize the best business approach for them. Data washing and contact detail verification are proven effective techniques of customer profiling that are instrumental in achieving campaign goals and in keeping your marketing campaign on target.
Update your business data to get better and qualified leads in Australia!
Email Copies

If your lead generation provider uses a marketing automation tool then you’re in for the best. Create custom email copies based on the different possible statuses of the contacts in your target list. The marketing automation tool will take charge of sending custom copies to prospects, however the initial copy would be the most crucial.
Related: 7 Stats that Says Email Marketing is the BEST Among Other Channels [INFOGRAPHIC]
Initial “opt-in” Copy

As mentioned earlier, ACMA is on guard so get rid of becoming their blacklist member. Obtain an “opt–in” email from your prospects. Once they say yes or have opted-in, you’ll be assured that any email or information you send to them won’t become a captive of the spam folder.
Also, get to hit two birds at same time – include a note in the initial/opt-in email that you (consultant) will be touching base with them to discuss about your consulting techniques.
Follow-up Call

Filter the target list based on prospects who opted-in and call them – grab the opportune time to discuss the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) of your consulting or financial business with your soon-to-be clients.
Here’s a sample script when you start following up those prospects you have on your mailing list:
With the Operator:
Telemarketer: Hi! This is (Telemarketer) and I’m calling from (your company). Can I speak to (Contact Name) please?
It’s about your business operation and expansion. Thank you! (Purpose of the Call)
With the Target Contact:
Telemarketer: Hello, my name is (name) and I’m calling from (your company). Am I speaking to (Contact Name) the (Job Title)?
Tip: Build rapport. When prospects ask, “How are you?’ Respond with, “I’m good, thank you for asking. “How about you”?
Telemarketer: Well as I was saying I’m calling from (your company), an Australian owned financial services company. We offer (products/ services/ promos). These require no security and the interest rate is very competitive. May I send you more information about this?
If yes, proceed to gather email address. (Use Phonetics if needed)
Telemarketer: Great we’ll send you the information soon. One of our consultants will call you later this week to assist you further. Is this the best to contact you with? (Verify contact details: Contact Person’s name, Job Title, Company Address, Contact Number, Direct Line, Mobile Number)
After the discussion, send another email copy that will serve as a reference for them while on the process of evaluating.
Related: The Best Practices for B2B Business Calling for Consulting Businesses That Applies to All
The email copy would appeal best if you include brochures with customer testimonials in it to add more credibility on your business and gain the prospect’s’ trust.
Consulting and financial businesses in Australia may require a longer process and much tactical effort in acquiring customers, but with a proven effective marketing strategy, It will surely drive interested customers crazy.
Check out our successful marketing campaigns in Australia we don’t brag about.