
Create a Winning Value Proposition and Start Closing More Deals

Create a Winning Value Proposition and Start Closing More Deals

It’s a marketing statement, not a simple one, but something that convinces potential customers that a certain product or service will add value to resolve a problem. Companies create these value statements to make their target market aware of the difference they offer from competitors.

Here are some tips:

Identify your audience

Even if you put in much effort and time coming up with a killer product, but targeting the wrong audience, all these will just go to waste. So, get to know who has the need for your product, the one who would benefit from it.

  • Narrow down your focus on which specific effort should you prioritize and determine what are the needs that your product could fulfill. Who is likely to use your product. To answer such question you need to have to profile your target audience according to age, buying power, geographical location, and marital status.
  • Utilize a market selection process through filters like gender and age range. As you narrow down these filters you will eventually arrive into a specific date that will bring you to the interest of your target audience.

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Connect with your audience

You need to establish a relationship between your product and your audience. It may not be an easy task to know your prospects to the core, and sometimes it may have to take things on a personal level, but that is a requisite on getting your audience behind you.

  • Open yourself up and let people in. This will create a bond between you and your audience. A good example would be a be product launched. Listen to your audience, converse with them using various channels and acknowledge their feedback.
  • Engage your audience in many different ways. A conversation, a video, a blog, leverage on every channel available just to get your audience within your circle.

Related: Implementing a Successful Multi-channel Survey Campaign

Know well your competitors

You just don’t join in a race without looking at your opponent’s face, who they are, their body built, how tall they are and how good their tools maybe.

  • Wars don’t just happen by impulse. Warriors convene and plan both the attack and the defense, and knowing your enemies well will give you a comprehensive idea on how, when and where to beat them. Engage your competitors.
  • But before you can engage the enemy, know yourself well first – identify your strength, your weaknesses, how you may make adjustments in order to get into the frontline, your foundation and your chain of command. Once you know yourself, you are ready for the battle.

Related: Warning: Don’t let Your Market Competitors Eat you Alive

What difference does your product make

You can’t just copy what your competitors offer, instead create something that goes beyond customer expectation. Use this in creating a clear mission statement with a promise of clear-cut benefits to your target customers.

Speak their language

Based on your filtered data, use the language your target customers speak to substantiate your content. See how you value proposition can easily be absorbed, understood and adopted by your target audience.

The Do's and Don'ts of Sales: How to Make Your Prospects Say 'Yes'

The Do’s and Don’ts of Sales: How to Make Your Prospects Say ‘Yes’

The magic word in sales is often debated, but we’ll all agree that when a prospect and a potential addition to your client-base says “yes”, it’s definitely music to your ears. Here are a few things that you have to say “no” to make sure that your client says “yes.”

Persuading a prospect to say “yes” is not as easy as most experts make it sound. In fact, a bigger percentage of prospects will most likely say “no” after the first meeting if the presentation was not designed to be convincing enough to warrant a “yes.”

Every marketing and salesperson is well aware of this truth. That is why the act of persuasion is fast becoming an “art.” There are numerous teaching available about how to make the best presentation or proposal, but not everything you read or hear about will work for you beautifully. At the end of the day, you need to find the formula that will best suit your corporate culture, work ethics and personal values. What works for another may not necessarily work for you.

Fortunately, we can learn a thing or two about human psychology when it comes to business, sales, marketing, and convincing the mind to step out of its comfort zone and say “yes” to something totally new, unchartered and potentially groundbreaking. Remember to say “no” to certain practices and “yes” to those that will benefit you greatly in order to take your company to the next level.

Say ‘no’ to these:

1. Using complicated and overwhelming tables, charts and statistics.

One of the key things to remember when making a proposal to your prospect is to make it as simple as possible. Avoid intimidating or boring your prospects by bombarding them with data that they may not be able to appreciate at first glance. If your proposal is backed up by important numerical data, then you might want to consider presenting a summary only instead of letting your prospects go over myriads of tables and charts.

2. Letting your emotions get the best of you.

It is normal to be passionate about what you are proposing to your clients. However, if you’re not careful, your proposal might end up sounding like a sappy old romance film ridden with emotions that are too heavy to process. If you want your prospects to say “yes,” you would want to excite, inspire and make them hopeful about your proposal.

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3. Promoting something that has hazardous effects.

People nowadays are becoming more and more keen about their health and keeping the environment clean and safe. Anything that affects these two in a detrimental way is a major “no.” Go for something that promotes or advocates a healthy lifestyle and green living. People would be more than willing to consider something that protects these two.

Related: A Marketer’s Guide To Selling To The 4 Types of B2B Decision Makers

Say ‘yes’ to these:

1. Make your message more about the needs, wants and interests of your prospects

When you are trying to convince your prospect to say “yes” to something, you have to dwell more on what interests him, what he needs and what would make his life easier and more meaningful. Avoid highlighting so much about what your company wants to achieve in the next couple of years or how it has grown exponentially over a short period of time because of hard work and other important work values. While these things are also important, detailing them may not be really as relevant as you hope they would be.

Doing this tip makes your reader feel important and that you care about the decision he makes. It will give your reader the impression that you care little about the monetary gain, but more for how his purchase will impact his life. When you embrace this approach wholly, it can do wonders for the integrity of your business.

Related: The Difference with Australia-specific Content to Generic Ones 

2. Do your research seriously

Research on the following:

  • The purchasing behavior and patterns being practiced by your target market;
  • Products that will address very basic yet often overlooked needs;
  • How your product can solve some of the most pressing problems that your clients face every day;
  • Proof and valid testimonies that will raise the integrity of your product; and
  • Benefits of the service/product to the buyer

Related: Lead Generation for Specific Verticals: A Guide for B2B Companies

3. Back up the claims about your business in your proposal or presentation with concrete evidence

Making a prospect say “yes” to you means convincing him enough that putting his money on your proposal is a worthy investment. You will only achieve this when you have made him confident. A person’s confidence is built when you use authentic data and strong evidence to support your claims.

Once you apply a few of the tips that we’ve laid out here, then you’ll certainly notice a world of difference in your sales appointments today!