
Show Customer Care with Inbound Lead Qualification

Show Customer Care with Inbound Lead Qualification

Customer care is bound by things that a business could do for customers more than the stated standard service – beyond expectation. It is an important factor which could impact the end results based on how you design and implement it on the workflow.

Frontliners To Identify The Value Of The Lead

The very first person to read an email response or place a follow-up call to the lead has the most critical responsibility in the process. First impression lasts they say, so it is important that along with courtesy, care, and credibility, one must be able to identify the value of the lead.

Inbound leads may show some labels of identification like name, email address and phone number but would not give you the clearest idea of who you will be dealing with along the process. It may take a period and several email rallies before you can finally get a full picture of that lead, so check out three initial important points of value that will help you properly qualify the lead:

  • Is the responder a decision maker or influencer?
  • Do they have a need for your product or service?
  • Are they in the buying stage or still shopping for the best deal?

Tip: Know the Different Buying Signals and be a Better Salesperson

A Vision In Finding Out The Answers

Lead qualification requires careful probing on the lead details. One has got to have a vision on what the prospect really implies against how you understand their script. As a lead qualifier yourself, you must be able to identify as well what type of follow up does the lead requires. If the above question bullets were not specifically stated in the prospect’s email response, you need to further qualify the lead as the above questions need to be answered. You may either respond via email or follow up call. If calling the prospect weights more in the follow-up equation, then:

  • First, verify all contact details to ensure you will be speaking to the right person
  • Answer the questions that the prospect stated in his email.
  • And find the right avenue or chance to ask probing questions that would confirm their current need and pain points

Related: The Secret Ingredient in Turning Your Social Followers Into Qualified Leads

Benefit Of The Doubt – Respond To Opt-In

Business communication essentials such as tone, word choice, and the probing questions you ask will draw the pattern of the work process. It is important then that you are able to see things in different perspectives and not solely all the time expect the best answers, instead keep yourself aware of the possibilities and arm yourself with options to cope with any challenge that might occur in the process.

If you published a blog and prospects gave you their email addresses in exchange of free downloads of brochures doesn’t mean they would expect a follow-up call from you. Bob McCarthy of McCarthy & King suggests:

  • Ask your inbound leads to fill out a qualifying survey
  • Nurture your inbound leads via email follow up that would promote further offers. You follow up inbound leads with outbound marketing.
  • Only ask for more contact data or more information from the successive responses you will receive

Inbound lead qualification is played down by many B2B companies not realizing that it could greatly impact the whole sales process. Showing customer care with an inbound lead qualification like having front liners who are able to identify the value of leads with a clear vision in finding out the right answers and giving the matter the benefit of the doubt to be able to properly respond will create a memorable experience for your inbound leads.

Chick-fil-A grew by 13% annual revenue for the last 10 years now and begot top awards in the Temkin Customer Experience Ratings for 3 years in a row, all by just doing little things that create value in their business and exceed customers expectations.