Sales Pipeline Management: Chasing and Engaging Lapsed Leads

Sales Pipeline Management: Chasing and Engaging Lapsed Leads

Every successful lead generation campaign has its share of failure points. These failures, when not coped, may affect campaign results or worse, would hit all your lead generation efforts on a dead end.

A lapsed lead is one of the reasons that may contribute to the failure of your lead generation efforts. How you manage these lapsed leads would either make or break a campaign’s results.

Yes, you read it right, manage lapsed leads. This means that you will have to re-profile these lapsed leads whether they are still good enough to bring back your customer or contact pipeline or not. Give each lead its benefit of the doubt.

Before you pick up that phone or send that email to chase or reconnect with a contact of a lapsed lead, take the following steps:

Run another round of profiling campaign

Run a profiling campaign for these lapsed leads. Although you have done it before, it won’t harm to do it again just to ensure you will be dealing with a qualified contact with accurate information, more so, will not be putting your lead generation time and effort to waste dialing to ‘negative’ contacts like ‘no answer’ or  ‘not interested’.

Related: 13 Reasons Why You Should use Data Profiling and Get Accurate IT Contacts

Pre-qualify those lapsed leads again

Read the notes and digest the interactions between you and the prospect. The conversation must weigh more positively in showing a window for you to be able to reconnect with the prospect.

Related: MQL vs SQL: A Guide To Proper Sales to Marketing Leads Handoff

Make them feel you are there again

Most marketing experts suggest that when reviving a lapsed lead, you have to make it more personal in terms of communicating. That’s good, but quite an aggressive tactic. Before you do so, make the prospect feel you are coming around the circle again by sending him content that contains valuable links which would help him decide to say ‘yes’ to see you again on another appointment.

Related: The Do’s and Don’ts of Sales: How to Make Your Prospects Say ‘Yes’

Reactivate interest of old/lapsed leads

This is not an easy task. Some prospects may not have the same feeling or impression towards you – as a company, product or service, now and from the last time you spoke with them. You may mention some topics which you have discussed with them before but should not keep you from sharing new features, and unless they would ask you to recall. Instead, bring up more of the new items like a new product, service or promotional stuff that would entice them to engage with you again.