Hyperlocal Advertising Works Well in Australia, Here’s Why

Hyperlocal Advertising Works Well in Australia, Here’s Why

You can never go wrong with hyperlocal advertising. It might sound like nonsensical jargon that only the millennial clique would understand, but it is actually a real thing. Today as individuals and organizations are flooded with endless streams of information, it has become crucial for B2B businesses to improve the accuracy of their marketing campaigns.

Now, this would involve creating content that appeals to a specific group. But creating industry-specific content is just not enough to reach out to one’s target audience. Apart from budget requirements and industry affiliations, location is also vital in creating messages that engage the right people. To achieve this involves going hyperlocal in the way you create and deliver your content.

When was say “hyperlocal,” it refers basically to the geographic location of a target client. When this is applied to marketing, every effort to reach out to the client should come with knowing the prevailing culture and trends of the area.

It is safe to say that this approach is one way for marketers to bridge cultural (and of course, geographical) gaps that are separating them from their audiences. But the question remains, does it also work well for companies in Australia?

It certainly does. Location-based marketing is one way to locate clients and communicate with them in their terms. Companies in places like Perth and Brisbane, for example, can make use of location-specific content that would enable them to tap clients within and outside of Australia. It wouldn’t come as a surprise when a company in Melbourne is able to generate a lead in Darwin or in Toronto or even in Tokyo.

Aside from such a benefit, this approach can also deliver other advantages as well:

Understanding customer needs

Aside from knowing the location of potential clients, a location-based strategy also allows you to identify pain points, making it easier for you to generate content that would capture anyone’s interest.

For now, artificial intelligence will certainly remain as a relevant aspect of market research and lead nurturing. As client standards have become difficult to meet, enterprises will have to spend a great deal of effort and resources in understanding their needs and shaping their messages accordingly.

With hyperlocal marketing, analyzing audience preferences becomes easier since the culture of one’s location would help you better understand your audience. What’s more, it allows you to identify the extent of a location’s influence in decision-making, thereby enabling you to create content that with emotional and communal significance.

Related: Knowing the Different Buying Signals Will Make You A Better Salesperson

Making your engagements real and organic

Audience outreach has always been an important component in running a business, so it makes sense to do a good job at it.

By being able to analyze the dominant trends in your client’s hometown, you are actually putting your client first before everything else. Outreach efforts should always go this way, and hyperlocal content would definitely allow you to foster stronger and beneficial linkages with a potential client.

Relationships should always be organic, and what better way to express this basic fact than by using location as a way to relate to your audience.  Brand loyalty is an obvious result of this, and indeed, companies that put a lot of effort in understanding their audiences are likely to achieve this goal.

Giving startups something good to work with

Startups, especially in the field of tech, will often make do with what little resources they have. Unlike the bigger fishes that dominate their industry, these seedlings are incapable of maintaining large-scale marketing campaigns, let alone implementing one.

Going hyperlocal, however, is a more practical approach in acquiring initial successes as an infant firm. With the minimal budgets that they have, startups can still create effective lead generation campaigns by focusing their resources on one location.

Expanding your reach

Hyperlocal campaigns do not only yield results in the locations where they are being implemented.

When an individual or an organization from a particular location is interested in a certain offer, you can bet your bottom dollar that this will open you to access more opportunities. Content aimed at a specific geographical group doesn’t only yield interest, but it also enables prospects to make referrals within their own networks.

When you tap someone based on their location, expect him or her to suggest your brand to a person in their Facebook friends list or a neighbor – who happens to be a CFO of a company that fits your audience preferences.

Targeted B2B Marketing Handbook

Targeted B2B Marketing: Guide, Checklists and Worksheets [Free eBook]

Everybody claims to be doing targeted marketing, but few actually get it right. Marketers allocate a significant portion of the budget on tools for better marketing precision (like advanced analytics and marketing automation). But only a minority (around 45%) of marketers believe they’re able to nail down targeted marketing, while an even smaller percentage of marketers (around 30%) think strategies like personalization and segmentation are delivering the right results.

While the exact details vary from industry to industry and from organization to organization, the difficulties that B2B marketers face today when targeting their customers all boil down to four key issues:

  • Getting in front of the right decision maker
  • Connecting with decision makers at the right time
  • Leveraging the right marketing channels
  • Crafting the right message

To help B2B marketers meet each of these four challenges head-on, the Callbox team is publishing a complete handbook on targeted marketing available as a downloadable eBook.

The handbook provides comprehensive, step-by-step guides on each of the four key areas of targeted marketing (customers, buying process, channels, and message), as well as detailed checklists and actionable worksheets to put these concepts into action.

Here’s a little sneak peek.

Getting in Front of the Right Decision Maker

The biggest reason why marketers find it difficult to build relationships with the right decision makers is that the average B2B buying decision now involves nearly 7 stakeholders, each coming from a different background and performing unique roles. Now, more than ever, B2B marketers need to define their ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and identify their buyer personas.

  • Ideal customer profile (ICP):  A hypothetical business or organization that’s a perfect fit for your solution.
  • Buyer persona:  An idealized representation of your target customer based on demographic, firmographic, and psychographic attributes.

The handbook devotes an entire section on building ideal customer profiles and buyer personas, and then concludes with two worksheets to put everything about your target audience in more concrete terms. At the end of this section, you’ll be able to clearly document the types of companies and decision-makers that impact your marketing results.

Connecting at the Right Time

In case you haven’t noticed, the average length of the B2B buying process has significantly increased. DemandGen Report says more than 3 out of 5 B2B marketers think their purchase process has gotten longer and that they’re doing more research before signing off on a purchase.

This highlights marketing’s growing role in the lead-to-revenue cycle, which also points to marketing’s increasing involvement in activities traditionally carried out by sales. In order to attract prospects and win deals, B2B marketers need to proactively engage potential customers at every buying stage through providing the information they’re looking for. Specifically, B2B marketers should:

  • Map/Remap their sales funnel to align with the new path to purchase using the 5 W’s of the B2B buying process
  • Refine their lead scoring and ranking capabilities to more accurately reflect how potential customers move from one stage of the buying journey to the next

At the end of the sales funnel/buying journey alignment section of the handbook, you’ll be able to outline and map out the different buying stages that your target customers go through. The section also ends with a checklist for sales funnel/buyer journey alignment, plus worksheets on persona-buyer stage mapping and a lead scoring template.

Related: AskCallbox: What makes an effective lead nurturing program?

Leveraging the Right Channels

There’s no doubt engagement takes place across different marketing channels and platforms. This creates both opportunities and challenges for targeted marketing, not least of which is the growing need to keep the marketing message consistent from one channel to another.

This is where having a robust multi-channel strategy comes in handy. Multi-channel marketing goes beyond simply interacting with potential buyers on different platforms; it’s about combining these channels into a single, cohesive set of touch points. Keep in mind that:

  • A B2B customer regularly uses 6 different interaction channels throughout the decision journey.
  • But 65% of these prospects become disappointed because of inconsistent experiences across channels.
  • Outbound channels improve inbound tactics’ effectiveness by enabling scalable, direct, and one-on-one outreach for marketing messages.

The section on multi-channel marketing also walks you through a thorough checklist of steps to do and things to have prior to launching multi-channel programs. It then provides a planning worksheet to help you document your multi-channel strategy.

Related: Multi-Channel Marketing Stats Is Bound To Make An Impact [VIDEO]

Crafting the Right Message

The key to generating consistent targeted marketing results (attracting and winning customers) is to deliver marketing messages that move potential buyers from one buying stage to the next. The “right message” consists of any content or material that:

  • Drives awareness of a business problem
  • Draws attention to potential solutions
  • Builds a business case for change vs. the status quo
  • Motivates a purchase

The average B2B buyer reviews around 10.4 pieces of content before making a purchase decision. The more costly and complex the solution involved, the higher the number of content sources B2B customers consult. A LinkedIn Business study finds that B2B buyers want both product information and educational (thought leadership) content, depending on where they are in the buying journey.

This means that your messages need to contain information that’s relevant to the prospect’s current buying context:

  • Awareness stage:  Prospects need help identifying the problem and narrowing it down.
  • Consideration stage:  They’re laying out all possible solutions.
  • Decision stage:  The prospect is evaluating a potential vendor.

Obviously, not all paths to purchase exactly follow the three-step model, but it’s a good starting point for most B2B marketers. That’s why the final section in the handbook provides an in-depth checklist for mapping marketing messages with buying stages and concludes with a content planning worksheet.

The Takeaway

Getting targeted marketing right can be very daunting for most B2B marketers, especially since it evidently involves many moving parts and requires a lot of resources. But with the guides, checklists, and worksheets in this handbook, you’re in a better position to deal with today’s marketing challenges. Get your copy now.

Marketing Channels that Influence Technology Customers in Australia

Marketing Channels that Influence Technology Customers in Australia

No doubt that if you ask people who would be the top 10 great technology influencers of all time they’d probably give a 10-1 list starting with Marissa Mayer (Yahoo), Tim Cook (Apple), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Ginni Rometty (IBM), Sheryl Sandberg (COO,FB), Mark Zuckerberg (Founder, FB), Meg Whitman (HP), Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Google), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Steve Jobs, which need no further description.

And from these technology gurus came different business tools and processes that framed influence to technology customers which make industries continue to grow and thrive. See statistical data to prove:

Related: 150+ B2B Tech Marketing Stats to Help You Plan for 2018 [Free eBook]


Content marketing produces 3 times more leads. It the most productive channel. The Technology is the biggest content publisher and gets the biggest ROI ($1B+) among other industries.

The main objective of content marketing is to drive quality traffic to your site. With regard to lead generation, Kapost found out in his study that content marketing delivers higher revenue than paid search. Factors that influence this analysis includes content expense, traffic patterns, conversion rates, and keyword prices.

Related: The Difference with Australia-Specific Content to Generic Ones


Mobile has influenced consumer spending by over $1 trillion. 90% of smartphone users use their phone at the point of purchase in brick and mortar store. A search on mobile easily leads to action. 92% of people who search on mobile most likely end up making a related purchase. Therefore, mobile plays a big role in converting a visitor into a buyer.

In fact, in 2016, about 59.5% of Google’s net global revenue was delivered from mobile internet ads. Facebook mobile ads count for 79% of its business. It is also predicted that desktop advertising will account for 42% of all internet advertising while mobile advertising will have larger share with 58%.


Here are some useful social media statistics this 2018

  • As per Gartner, WeChat, a big Chinese messaging app is now widely used by 95% of Chinese people
  • Facebook, aside from prioritising longer videos in timelines to improve the customer experience, went on to introduce mid-roll ads into those videos, which gave it a whole new source of revenue.
  • Youtube previously got in hot waters when it was revealed that a number of advertisements were appearing on videos that promoted extremist, hateful and inappropriate content, impacting a number of advertisers to withdraw their business, which left YouTube rumpling to reorganize videos in an attempt to pacify them. YouTube then pushed out an update to correct the quite harsh approach. They are expecting 30 percent fewer videos will have to make do with fewer ads and push their way to become fully monetised, which should lead to “millions” more videos raking in full income going this 2018.
  • Instagram Stories rose to 100 million daily active users in two months of launch. As of November 2017 that figure soared to 300 million.

Related: Social Media Metrics to Track in 2018

Marketing channels and content greatly influence technology customers buying behaviour. Although content poses the biggest share of influence to customers among industries, mobile and social equally shaping customer purchase decisions.

Related: Bold Predictions for the Tech Industry in Australia 2018

4 Sales Call Rapport-Building Techniques That AI Can't Yet Do (Video Thumbnail)

4 Sales Call Rapport-Building Techniques That AI Can’t Yet Do [VIDEO]

By 2050, machines will take over half of all jobs.

… and telemarketers will be the first ones to go.

An Oxford study says

there’s a 99% chance
AI will replace human telemarketers soon.

But until AI learns how to build genuine rapport,

sales calls will remain a person-to-person interaction.

That’s because there are four building blocks of rapport

that only we humans can do for now.

#1 Listening and Empathy

Talking about oneself releases feel-good chemicals in the brain.

It’s even more rewarding with a person who’s really listening.

How Not to Sound Like a Machine:

Start with an open-ended question;

let them share a bit about themselves.

#2 Being Authentic

People do business with people they like.

No matter how well AI mimics human speech,

there’s nothing like the real thing.

How Not to Sound Like a Machine:

Let the conversation flow naturally and show genuine interest,

but don’t overdo it.

#3 Finding Common Ground

AI knows more about your prospects than you do.

But only people can connect and find common ground in a conversation.

How Not to Sound Like a Machine:

Bring up interesting tidbits that prospects can relate to.

Build on these points at different moments in the call.

Related: Rethinking Telemarketing and Its Spammy Reputation

#4 Creating Shared Experiences

The secret to building rapport is creating shared experiences.

Whether it’s defining the prospect’s problem or identifying a solution,

working together brings people closer.

How Not to Sound Like a Machine:

Turn sales calls into collaborative brainstorming sessions.

Use “we”, “our”, and “us” in the conversation.

Rapport is a two-way connection between people.

It’s going to stay that way unless machines master these four skills.

Quick Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy

Quick Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy

A strenuous workout and scientific diet may not the best ways to achieve your target body shape but doing less of these will, strength coach Marc Megna believes. So as the title of this blog starts with “quick ways” then we won’t linger on thorough research and jotting down a trailing list of steps to “improve your email marketing strategy”, instead we’ll look into tactics that would maximize time and effort, all at very least.

Get to know your audience

Just as every workout session starts with a warm-up exercise so is email marketing with knowing well your prospects. Do this via Customer Profiling, considering both demographics:

Complete, valid and accurate information

  • name of contact
  • business name
  • address
  • phone numbers
  • email address
  • social media accounts

As well all other business specifications like industry category, location, target market, target location and size

Psychographic data of each target:

  • their purchase behaviour and their interests.

Related: 13 Reasons Why You Should use Data Profiling and Get Accurate IT Contacts

Make it short

Your prospect won’t appreciate lengthy emails but nevertheless, a substantial content containing a WIIFM (what’s in it for me) benefit for the prospect and specific product/service that would answer the needs of the business pose a higher chance to be opened and less likely to go into thrash. Like if you’ve been doing 5 to 10 side lunges and one-legged squats for 2-3 months now and still not seeing apparent results, then do just 2-3 sets and do other much effective routines.

Beat the blunder

“Hi John, how are you?”, “Good day to you, Ms. Lee, Hope this is a good time…” – opening blunders in emails such as these are likely to land in the trash or spam folders as they just don’t appear boring but rather weak. Remember that you are writing to a decision-maker, one who attends to several meetings (in and out of office) every day and who attends to multiple matters, dealing with various clients. He could hardly spend the time to read through fluffy emails so make your email short, straight to the point but never miss to keep it personalized to avoid becoming robotic.  

Related: 5 Email Opening Tips to Conquer Shorter Attention Spans [VIDEO]  


Call-to-action buttons, links, and boxes are designed to draw immediate response from your prospects. These are like strength-training tools that you must include in your emails in order to build a strong connection with your targets; necessary tools that would guide them through the buying journey. Click here, Download, Register, Schedule An Appointment, Order Now, Watch This Video and Sign up are just a few of the classic examples of call-to-actions that greatly help in converting visitors and readers into sales.

Little changes can add up to big and major results. Start tweaking your email marketing strategy now to achieve a well-built sales and marketing campaign.

Related: 40 B2B Sales Email Templates for Every Situation [Free PDF]

5 Clever Lead Generation Tactics to Try

5 Clever Lead Generation Tactics to Try

Did you ever wonder how birds feel when they’re flying? Well, there’s a new extreme sport that can make you experience a bird-like flying feeling, it’s called Wingsuit Flying.

Wingsuit flying is described by sports enthusiasts as the most exhilarating sport this 2018 and a “must try”.

Like wingsuit flying, there are new and clever lead generation ideas this 2018 that marketing experts must try. Some of these tactics may be familiar to you but check out others that appear otherwise in order for you to learn something new.

#1 Share Success Videos

#1 Share Success Videos

Collect feedback from your clients, telling how their partnership with you has brought growth to their business. You may also do interviews with thought leaders from various industries who may share knowledge and tactics for your potential clients. Post these videos on your company website or social media page to boost your brand’s credibility.

#2 Interactive Q&A

#2 Interactive Q&A

Aside from query boxes in emails and websites, you may also come up with help videos. Demonstrate a resolution to your customers’ questions by creating a short video that will practically educate them on either how to resolve issues by themselves or for them to learn ways that would guide them in resolving their issue. This will add value to your customers.

Check out some of our Marketing Tips Videos

#3 Play A Game

#3 Play A Game

Merriam-Webster has several word games in store for its users. Create games in different forms like quiz, puzzles or trivia. Create games based on your brand’s product specifics and maybe some updates about your company. This will not only give your clients and potential customers a fancy way to become knowledgeable about your brand but awareness on how you fare in the industry.

#4 Create Crafty Contents

#4 Create Crafty Contents

Callbox provides its web visitors and readers with crafty contents like marketing ideas, trends, tips and jumpstart kits, aimed to share tactics that have helped them grow as a globally competitive and dominant lead generation company. These shareables could be well leveraged not only by Callbox’s loyal customers but the hundreds of website visitors they accommodate daily.

Related: 12 Tools to Hack Your Content Creation Workflow [Plus Free Content Calendar]

#5 Share Some Secrets

#5 Share Some Secrets

Levi Strauss & Co. is a legend, and what makes them as one is Sustainability – that is a shared secret. Don’t hesitate to share a part of you – could be a knowledge, experience or a skill but most especially, share best practices that effectuate growth. Let your audience and peers know how well you keep your brand on dominant stature like maintain product quality assurance, providing customers with tip-top customer service, and treating both suppliers and employees as assets to the business.

Related: The Difference with Australia-Specific Content to Generic Ones

Leg up your brand with these clever lead generation tactics to success. Wingsuit flying will require you to jump off the cliffs so you’ve got to grab a wingsuit (parachute deployment handle) that will enable you to glide smoothly like a bird and ensure your safe landing. (MSN Lifestyle)

The Importance of Telemarketing to Getting Telco Leads: The Reasons to Success

The Importance of Telemarketing to Getting Telco Leads: The Reasons to Success

From communications devices to internet connectivity, the telecommunications industry plays a vital role for both the modern-day consumer and the modern-day business owner. In the area of B2B in which there is a constant need to bridge gaps and move forward, the choice of a telecom product or service is critical towards success. When it comes to finding telecom solutions, businesses know fairly well that they need only the best that the sector has to offer.

As far as spending for telecom solutions is concerned, the industry will most likely reach $1.427 billion by the end of 2018, according to Statista. This only proves that companies still look towards the telecom as a vital resource for streamlining their internal operations on top improving audience outreach initiatives. In fact, trends such as big data and the demands for faster internet speeds are compelling telecom companies to work towards satisfying these demands and, more importantly, promoting them to the right audiences.

In response to an increasing demand for more efficient offerings from their industry, telecom companies will have to come up with better methods that will allow them to generate as many opportunities as possible. For this reason, B2B lead generation provides a telecom company a way to widen its reach, engage prospects, and boost its bottom line.

Related: The 10 types of Marketing Strategies for the Telecom Industry

But aside from using digital platforms to carry their messages, telecom companies can also make use of traditional methods to increase the number of leads entering their sales pipelines. One thing’s for sure, telemarketing remains to be a highly effective means of generating high-quality B2B leads, and it should be included in any marketing strategy in the telecom arena.

Related: Little Known Ways to Hassle-Free Telecom Lead Generation in Australia

Getting the gist of telemarketing

Getting the gist of telemarketing

For an industry that emphasizes the use of technology in building networks and strengthening relationships, telecom is all about making things easier, simpler, faster and more productive through communication. It makes sense then for new and veteran players to improve the way they communicate with their audience.

Digital marketing using social media, landing pages, and blogs, provides a logical step towards maintaining stronger ties with your clients. But like any piece of technology, these modern tools have their limitations and they don’t promise results that are any better than when you’re using traditional means. Among the most important of these “cons” according to marketing podcaster Brandon Gaille, using social media demands a lot of resources and the fact that ROI in digital marketing is difficult to gauge are being confronted by both startups and major telecom brands. On top of that, points out that digital marketing strategies are easily copied and that there is a need to exercise caution in targeting your audience as first impressions are critical to your success.

Still, digital marketing has its perks, but to further drive success, you must need to make use of other channels as well.

In the case of B2B telemarketing, companies are assured of getting the right amount of leads to fill their sales pipelines.

It does this by being allowing companies to directly engage prospects. Talking on the phone with someone who needs to purchase a large-scale VOIP product allows you to respond immediately to questions and other concerns. This directness makes telemarketing an important option for companies that need to give prospects the things they wanted to hear and to provide the bigger picture about their offers in ways that are restricted in digital marketing. Aside from this very basic benefit, telemarketing can also increase the competitiveness of a telecom company by being able to deliver intended results faster.

Related: A Visual Guide to Telemarketing Performance Metrics [INFOGRAPHIC]

Check out our Client Success Story

Callbox: Opening Communication Lines

Maximizing potential

Maximizing potential

Quality products and services have always been the driving force of success for telecom companies. Still, being able to come up with a strategy that integrates outbound calls is crucial in achieving long-term goals.

In order to make your outbound campaign more efficient and productive, you will only need to build the right infrastructure, train the right individuals, and craft the right messages. You will be able to achieve these by simply making the necessary investments in talent and tools that will seamlessly help you accomplish your goals.

You realize by now that “old school” marketing is still as relevant as ever, and it’s time for you to show some love for telemarketing and the benefits it puts on the table.

A Visual Guide to Telemarketing Performance Metrics [INFOGRAPHIC]

A Visual Guide to Telemarketing Performance Metrics [INFOGRAPHIC]

Telemarketing boosts marketers’ performance by delivering leads at scale and producing results in real-time. Given this channel’s current function, the success of today’s telemarketing campaigns, argues Robert Howells of the Global Marketing Associates, hinges on better use of data.

Related: Telemarketing 101 in Australia: Maintaining Pleasantness throughout the Call

One crucial data-related aspect that needs a major rethink is telemarketing performance metrics. As the channel evolves, so do the yardsticks used to measure performance. Today’s marketers rely on a dizzying array of metrics and indicators to gauge how well each component of their strategy is working, including telemarketing. Modern telemarketing performance metrics help marketers answer five key questions about their campaigns:

  • Database Quality – Is your database accurate and relevant?
  • Activity and Volume – Are you making the right number of calls?
  • Reach Rate – Are you talking to the right people?
  • Conversions – Are calls driving the desired action?
  • Costs, Revenues, and ROI – Is your campaign making or losing money?

These are the five areas to look at when evaluating telemarketing performance—whether you’re running campaigns in-house or outsourcing to an agency. In this post, we’ll go over the important telemarketing performance metrics to keep track of under each category and find out how to make informed decisions based on the numbers.

A Visual Guide to Telemarketing Performance Metrics


Database Quality – Is your database accurate and relevant?

Overall List Health

The ratio of known errors to the number of records. These errors include missing values, duplicates, invalid contacts, data entry errors, etc.

Segmentation Fields

The level of segmentation a list allows. Does your list contain valid industry codes, job titles, etc.? How well do the segments match your target buyer profiles or personas?

List Penetration Rates

The number of positive contacts, conversations with decision makers, and the number of conversions your campaign generates.

New Information Gathered

The amount of new information obtained or verified through phone calls. How many new records were you able to add? How many fields did you update or verify?

Related: How many times should you have your business database cleanse?

Activity and Volume – Are you making the right number of calls?

Calls per Hour

This metric indicates the average rate at which an agent or rep places calls. While high calls-per-hour figures are generally a good sign, the quality of each call matters more than quantity alone.

Average Call length (Average Talk Time)

This is the average amount of time an agent or rep spends on each call. To make meaningful comparisons, make sure you take factors like the length of the call script and admin work required.

Occupancy Rate

This metric refers to the time an agent or rep spends on calls versus the time spent between calls. Occupancy rates tell you how productively agents allocate their time.

Calls per Record

According to data cited by HubSpot, It takes 18 calls on average to actually reach a B2B buyer.

Reach Rates – Are you talking to the right people?

Positive Contact Ratio

The percentage of dialed records where agents are able to speak with the target contact.

Related: 4 Ways to Get Past Gatekeepers and Reach Prospects Every Time [VIDEO]

Abandonment Rate

The percentage of calls which aren’t picked up by the target contact.

Unique Decision Maker Conversations

This metric gives insight into data quality as well as lets you compare initial contact versus callbacks and follow-ups.

Requests for Information (RFIs)

This metric looks at how many positive contacts asked for materials about the offer or company.

Not Interested

A very high number of not interested prospects can mean you’re targeting the wrong audience, but it can also indicate that agents are doing a good job filtering unqualified leads.

Related: How to Handle Early Sales Objections, According to Science [VIDEO]

Conversions – Are calls driving the desired action?

Lead Conversion Rates

This is the percentage of decision makers reached that qualify as leads(schedule a face-to-face meeting, sign up for a free trial, verify some information, etc.).

Call-to-Close Ratio

This is the percentage of telemarketing-generated leads that actually convert into paying customers.

Calls per Outcome

This metric tells you how many calls it takes to get a result (conversion). Calls per outcome measures how efficiently a campaign generates results and you largely want to minimize this metric.

Related: Top 10 Proof that Outbound Efforts Help Close Deals in Australia

Costs and ROI – Is your campaign making or losing money?

Cost per Lead and Cost per Opportunity

This is the total costs incurred in the campaign divided by the total telemarketing-generated leads (or opportunities).


The revenues attributable to the channel divided by the total telemarketing costs. This is usually estimated through attribution models such as first touch, last touch, weighted, time decay, linear, and position-based attribution.

How much do Australia solar leads cost?

How much do Australia solar leads cost?

According to abc.net.au, based on the report from the Energy Supply Association of Australia, Australia has the highest rate of household solar panel installation in the world.

More and more residential and businesses in Australia are buying solar panels because of its benefits.

  • It is a safe and clean source of energy.
  • The solar panel is more affordable.
  • Solar energy helps save natural resources.
  • Solar energy usage reduces the import of fossil fuels.
  • Water consumption is reduced.
  • There is no waste generation when solar power is used.
  • No pollutants generated, so costs involved in complying with environmental regulations can be avoided.
  • It can save thousands of money.

Because of these benefits, the demand for solar panels is expected to increase to 50% by the year 2020. It also helped because the Australian government is encouraging homeowners and businesses to use solar power by introducing rebates and incentives to those who are using it. No wonder more and more new companies would like to market solar panels. Because the competition is tough, many solar companies are looking for ways to increase the number of leads to increase their revenue and refrain from bankruptcy.

Related: How to Future-Proof Your Energy Company’s Marketing Strategy

But for a solar company who would consider outsourcing their solar lead generation campaign? Ideally, how much should solar leads cost?

When you choose to buy solar leads, you’re aiming for quality. Many lead generation companies are claiming they offer the best lead generation service in Australia for delivering high-quality solar leads and an increase in ROI.

A lead provided by companies who offer lead generation service is a potential prospect. Meaning, most of the time, they are only looking for opportunities for you to talk to a qualified prospect but the selling part is up to you. So I don’t think the focus should be on the amount you paid per lead but on how many leads were converted into a sale.

Related: B2B Sales Leads Negotiations? You Can Do It Like A Pro

Let’s say you sign up for a 3-month contract with a B2B lead generation campaign, and you paid for 15,000 AUD. They delivered 25 leads for you and you converted 5 leads into a sale.

In an article from choice.com.au, according to the Alternative Energy Association (ATA), the overall average cost of a fully installed 2.0kW system, before rebates and discounts, in 2013 was roughly $4400. But larger systems will cost more – in our 2014 solar survey, we found on average our members paid $8243 after all rebates and discounts.

Now let’s do the math.

5 leads

X $8243


Note: You need to consider your effort including a site visit, etc; the installation and the payment of your technician, etc.

Related: The Solar Leads Life Cycle [INFOGRAPHIC]

Bottom line is what’s important is the quality of leads delivered to you by an outsourced lead generation company. Paying $15,000 but getting $40,000+ in return can be considered a good ROI. So it’s best to research first for companies who can provide you with quality leads that are easily converted rather than paying low but getting very low ROI.

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4 Steps to Successful Inbound Lead Generation for Financial Sectors

4 Steps to Successful Inbound Lead Generation for Financial Sector

Many marketers, not only in the financial sector but from different industries, are doing both outbound and inbound marketing to generate leads for their business.

An article from Forbes mentioned that internet engagement is considered the new trend in the financial industry. Nowadays, the millennial are more open to investments but would want for financial advisors to connect with them online – social media, blogging, etc.

An effective marketing campaign can generate quality leads and ROI. However, if you are into financial sector and your lead generation campaign is struggling to deliver as expected, here are the 4 easy steps to revamp your inbound lead generation campaign.

STEP #1: Re-establish your ideal customer.

By re-evaluating your customers you’ll be able to identify your best customers and focus on targeting the ones that are best fit for your business.

Evaluate the following:

  • Which from your customers can benefit more from your business?
  • Know their behavior – their likes and dislikes.
  • What platform or channel of communication do they usually use?

Related: Australian Prospects Preferred mode of Communicating By Statistics

STEP #2: Decide how much of the company’s total revenue should come from your inbound marketing.

As part of your marketing strategies, you should identify how many percent of your company’s total revenue your inbound marketing campaign is responsible for. By doing so, you’ll be able to identify how much budget and effort should be spent on it that can help them reach their target.

STEP #3: Define your target figure.

When defining your target, make sure to set a realistic goal.

What to consider when setting a goal?

  • Which type of customers do I want more moving forward?
  • What is the value of my products or services to my customers?  
  • Which of my products and services are fit for my customers?

TIP: Consider the length of your customer’s sales cycle in order to hit your target on time.

Related: Ever thought of following up Inbound Leads via Outbound Marketing?

STEP #4: Align your sales and marketing team

Identify the responsibilities of each team. For example:

Marketing team to do the following:

  • Attract customers through content distribution and blogging.
  • Promote contents or blogs on social media and turn followers into leads.
  • Convert them into leads by gathering information through forms, CTAs and landing pages.
  • Submit these leads to the sales department

Upon receiving these leads, the sales team will:

  • Follow up these prospects through email or call
  • Build a relationship and nurture these prospects until they’ve reached the final stage of their buying process.

Winter is here. Many businesses in Australia including the financial sector are expecting a drop in sales during these months. So, what are your lead generation goals for the remaining months of the year?

What are some best practices for SaaS lead generation

Answering Quora: What are some of the best practices for SaaS lead generation?

A Quora member asked, what are some of the best practices in SaaS lead generation? In this article, I will discuss the 5 best practices for SaaS lead generation that, based on our experience, can increase leads and generate higher ROI.

First, let’s try and understand what SaaS application and why some say it can increase ROI.

SaaS application, web-based software, cloud computing solution, on-demand software or hosted software, wikipedia defined it as a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted.

Many companies such as Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, etc provide this type of solution.

Advantages of moving to SaaS application:

  • Backup and storage
  • Disaster recovery
  • Accessibility
  • Easy to manage

Here are the 5 Best Practices for SaaS Lead Generation

#1. Marketing automation and Multi-channel marketing

With multi-channel marketing, you are present wherever your prospects are. Be it on email, social media, voice, web, mobile and chat, it is important to reach your prospects wherever they are to increase user engagement.

Automating every channel allows you to know the problem, which marketing strategy has better results and which one isn’t working well by analyzing their stats. Read more Australian Prospects Preferred mode of Communicating By Statistics

Because of this, you will be able to provide a solution. Same goes with webmechanix. With multi-channel marketing and marketing automation, they managed to identify the problem and provide a solution. As a result, they managed to have:

  • A 77% decrease in cost-per-lead (from $130 to just $30)
  • A 35%+ conversion rate increase in live chat engagement

Related: Top 3 Benefits of Multi-Channel Marketing Every CEO Must Know

#2. Lead nurturing

With lead nurturing, you are building a relationship with your prospects walking them through every step of their buying journey until they’re ready to purchase and do business with you. Lead nurturing, although considered a long-term strategy but provides better result because the relationship built is based on trust.

Related: Don’t Just Blast Cold Email Picthes, Nurture and Win Customers [VIDEO]

#3. Referral program

As a consumer, we all tend to consider a recommendation especially if it came from a family member, a friend or a colleague. How to have an effective referral program?

Provide better customer service. A good service doesn’t end when a prospect purchased the product. Especially for a software company, where you’ll encounter problems and issues every now and then.

  • Ask for testimonials and publish it on your website and through social media.
  • Ask your customers to refer you to their family, friends, and colleagues. You can create an incentive program for this one. Whether you give money, discount or freebies.

Related: Show Customer Care with Inbound Lead Qualification

#4. Inbound and content marketing

For a software company, it’s not just about creating high-quality contents and publishing them online. In order for your audience to be interested, you need to create contents with purpose and publish it at the right channel for the right prospect at the right time.

Write a personalized content focusing on the possible problems your prospect might encounter so they can relate to it. What else? Provide solutions on how to overcome these problems.

#5. Cold calling and appointment setting

Whether you decide to develop your own team or outsource a B2B lead generation company to handle your appointment setting campaign for you, this is one way to generate leads for your business and increase your ROI.

Higher ROI is what every business is looking for. However, marketing SaaS is different. Understanding your product and how can your prospect benefit from it is more important than anything. So use these proven best practices for your SaaS lead generation campaign and see an increase in your leads and ROI.

Little Known Ways to Hassle-Free Telecom Lead Generation

Little Known Ways to Hassle-Free Telecom Lead Generation in Australia

  • Getting hold of the right decision maker
  • Sending the right message to the right market and targeting the right audience
  • Product knowledge and training
  • Different people are involved in the decision-making process
  • The different buying stages and how their purchasing decisions are made

These are the common obstacles that every telecom sales reps are facing. Because of the evolving world of marketing, many telecom companies are struggling with their lead generation because of ineffective ways to engage with prospects and acquire leads.

Here are some of the hassle-free ways to generate telecom for your business.

Do your homework.

Before you decide to pick up the phone or send your prospect an introductory email, make sure to research about them. Find out what are the possible problems that they’ve encountered that you can offer a solution? What would they be looking for that you might have?

Related: IT and Software: Mastering Product Knowledge Before your First Sales Pitch

Create a social media campaign.

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics Population Clock, as of July 2017, there are approximately 24.6M Australians. 70% of them are active Facebook users and around 3M monthly are active Twitter users. Buyers spend most of their time researching products through social media.

TIP: When doing social media campaign, don’t just let anyone from your team handle it. Having someone who has experience and is knowledgeable about what she’s doing can do her job well with less supervision and with a faster result. Make the most out of your social media campaign and turn followers into leads.

Related: Twitter Marketing Lessons for IT and Software Marketers

Publish informative contents.

Content marketing is considered traditional marketing. But, according to Demand Metrics, it can generate as many leads as your other marketing campaigns.

TIP: Technology is evolving. So when you create contents, make sure it speaks about the present or the future that can educate your audience. Find out about their current problems and provide tips and solutions on how your prospects can solve them. Start with this guide.


Whether you decide to create your own team or outsource a B2B lead generation company to handle your lead generation campaign, it is important to reach out to your prospects through calling. Telemarketing can help supply warm leads that can be easily converted into sales. You can use telemarketing in different ways.

Follow up prospects who:

  • Have opened your email
  • Have replied to your email (expressed their interest and would like to discuss it)
  • Failed to open or reply to your email and check if they received it.
  • Make calls and provide warm, sales-ready leads for your business.
  • Can update your database while looking for leads.

Related: Follow Up your Inbound Leads with 5 to 5 Calling Rule (and Generate Over 40% Increase in Sales)


Referral selling is the most effective lead generation strategy. Why? A simple word of mouth to a family member, a friend or colleague about your product or service is more likely to turn into a customer because it came from a satisfied customer.

TIP: Focus on providing good customer service. Provide ways on how your customers can contact you whenever they have issues about your product or service.  Better yet, try to reach out to them once in awhile to check if everything’s doing fine. They’ll appreciate it more.

Related: Don’t Just Blast Cold Email Picthes, Nurture and Win Customers [VIDEO]

Marketers would want to reach a wider audience. In order to enhance your lead management and nurturing, it is important to implement not just multi-channel marketing but don’t hesitate to include cross-channel marketing as well. Integrating campaigns that are running individually will help you analyze the effectiveness of every channel – voice, email. Social, web, mobile, and chat of your marketing strategies.